


How  can we creat a positive environment for ourselves??1) Picture, Those make us more happier, or remind us to be good;2)Quotes There is a not vanish summer in our mind;3) Movie, Congressive movies;4) Albert. Remind me of the past happy times;1) ask question, think grows rich;2) believe you could do well; Whatever you can imagine, you can touch;3) Self-esteem is destiny.4)Question creats reality; You may look for many facts to support your opinions;1) establis consistency;2) update schema;3) ignore or discard;4) Actualy seek confidence;Creat a new reality;I failled my way to success;Learn to fail or Fail to learn;realistic opertimisim VS unrealistic opertimisim;Lower our experctation: Too high experctation leads to failure;The most improtant things:1) Optimisim;2)Passion;3) Hard work;