

that's what i'm talking aboutyou are the man/ you're sweet ,niceatta girl/boyawesome./fantistic/fabulous/ 


1.go well 进展顺利how is everything doing / how is it going ?2.just  go for  it.争取3.go with 支持 赞成 选择。 i think i will go with plan B      与什么很搭 this t shirt does not go with my pants4. way to go 干得好 干得漂亮  good video , way to go  


1.there you go 这就对了2. there you are 这个给你3. i've been there before 我曾有过类似的经历。 yeah, been there, done that4. You'll get there 你会达到那个水平的my english is sucks, what am i gonna do?don't worry , you'll get there


1. spot 借钱出去。do you want me to spot you?  can you spot me 20 dollars? 2. put sb on the spot让某人为难 do you really have put me on the spot?3.spot on 说的太好了yeah, man. spot on4.there are a lot of spots to see here in shanghai ,  景点5. spotted 被认出 Tom was spotted by the cops when he was on his way to the hospital.


1.take your time 慢慢来。 don't worry , just taje your time/2. take off. 离开 走。i'm sorry , but it's 8 clock, i gotta take off.3. take it out on me.把气撒在我身上it's not my fault4. take a hike 。 哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去you know what? you are so annoying , just take a hike. 5. take a rain check. 改日再约let's take a rain check 


1. come on 加油, 快一点, oh, man, come on , sersiouly?不高兴2. coming right up.马上就来(点餐)3. come again?  pardon me ? 请再说一遍4. see somthing coming 在预料之中didn't see it coming5. had it coming .  you totally had it coming 自找的 


1.run,  hi dude, i gotta run.我得走了you know what?  i gotta run.But i will call you later 2. run something by you 跟你说点事儿i gotta run sth by you 3. run into  偶遇4. run out of  用完,  we are runnin gou tof timr 5. run low on .   缺少,快没了hey, can i borrow some money from you? i'm running a little bit low on cash.  我能跟你借点钱, 我手头有点紧 we're running out of time, you're running out of dime我们现在缺时间, 你们现在缺钱 


1. no, i don't believe that/2.i don't buy it/3.are you sure?/4.are you serious?/5.are you kidding?/6.you gotta be kiding me /7.on way 8.no shit /9.are you shitting me?


1. call 称呼 call me june. 2. call me tomorrow . 电话3. your call , 你做主、4. good call . 不错  good call. let's do it.5. let's call it a day.  今天到此为为止6. call the shots 。做主 决定 this is my home, i call the shots.7. call off the meeting  取消


1.sleep over  在别人家借宿2. sleep  around 。 性生活迷乱3. put someone to sleep 使犯困】4. sleep in 睡过5. sleeping pills 安眠药6.let sleeping dogs lie 别多管闲事


1. play me 耍我, 玩我。you don't play me like that/ nobody plays mr like that2.play ditry. 耍阴招3.play ,,,,,,card  .用什么招数 hi , paul , how come you were not drunk last night?because i played the ''there is something wrong with my stomach '' card again4. play hooky 跷课, 翘班play with fire. 玩火, 冒险。  you don't wanna play with fire,


1. so what? 那又怎样2. what do i care? 3.i just couldn't care less 一点也不在乎4.i don't give a shit,我无所谓  i don't give a crap/ i don't give a rat's ass/ i don't give a fuck5. it's not my business / none of my business6. it doesn't have anything to do with me.  


1. give it a shot /try 试一试2. give me(gimme) a break ①让我休息一下,喘口气    ②你可拉倒吧(不相信)3. give up on 放弃 4. give away 暴漏, 泄漏 what gave me away??你怎么知道的?5. give in to him 不要屈服于他


1. catch some sleep 睡会儿觉2. sleep on it 睡觉的时候思考一下3. sleep it off 睡一觉就好了4. sleep like a log / top 睡的很香5. sleep together / sleep with6. sleep tight   睡个好觉(晚安用)good night and sleep tight 


1. i hate you  - i hate ya- i hatchai getcha 我懂了 2. look atcha 看看你自己 3. what are you doing? whatcha doing?4. i'm gonna beatchai'm gonna eatcha up  


1. see someone home 送某人回家2. see if i care ./ i don't care3. see it coming  预料之中4. we'll see about that 我们走着瞧let's wait and see.5. see to . 照顾 搞定6. see red 变得非常生气 every time i see them together , i see red 


bring 带BYOB  bring your own booze/beer 自带酒水 (alcohol  、 liquor)bring it on  放马过来bring up 提起、养大1.please don't bring tha up.why did you bring that up? 2. i was brought up in america  bring the party down  扫兴 


1. hang on a second wait a minute2. hangover  n./hungover adj.i'm gonna wake up with a hangover in the morningi'm so hungover today3.hang up the phone/ hang up on sbhow dare you hang up on me ?4. hang in there / just hang in there man 5. hang out / hi , you wanna hang out at my place today?6. how's it hanging? / how's it going ?


1. watch your mouth 2. my lipd are sealed 我不会说出去的 sealed 密封的3. brown-nose 拍马屁 can you stop brown- nosing ?  brown-noser 马屁精4. i'll keep my eyes open 我会注意观察的5. walls have ears.隔墙有耳