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Cities as seats of "Civilization" where agricultural surpluses become wealth.

Increasing agicultural productivity reduces labor needs and opportunities in rural areas,pushing people towards the cities.

In 1950,2/3 of all the world population lived in the countryside.And by 2050, it is anticipated that 2/3 of all people will be living in cities.

Slums:Over crowding

          Poor,informal housing

          Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation

          Insecure tenure

"Ninety-five percent of this final buildout of humanity will occur in the urban areas of developing countries."

"The size of a city's economy often bears little relationship to its population size and vice\versa."

"‘Overurbanization’ is driven by the reproduction of poverty,not by the supply of jobs."

"three quarters of the future world population groeth will be borne by fainitly visible second-tier cities and smaller urbans areas."

"Not all urban poor live in slums,nor are all slum-dwellers poor.At least one half of the world's urban population as defined by relative national poverty thresholds."

More than 2/3 of the poor live in the suberb of a city.

Many slum-dwellers both pay and receive rents.

Slums emerge after 1950,about.

What precipitated their emergence?Policy changes.Civil wars,counterinsurgencies.Modernization programs.International debr,Structural Adjustment Programs,fiscal,crises,corruption.





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