command1.picture = loadpicture("...")command1.disablepicture = loadpicture("...")command1.downpicture = loadpicture("...")
sellength ‘所选字符长度selstart ’当前选择文本的起始位置(从0开始的)seltext ‘text1.selstart = 1text1.sellength = 3text2.text = text1.seltext
mutiline = true ‘文本框多行显示的功能,按住'ctrl+回车'可以插入一个空行scrollbars = 1 '水平滚动条 2 '垂直滚动条 3 '水平加垂直滚动条
alignment=0 '从标签的左边开始显示标题(默认)alignment=1 '标题靠右显示alignment=2 '标题居中显示autosize '多大文字多大标签borderstyle '标签边框backstyle = 0 '标签透明backstyle = 1 '不透明wordwrap '标签竖向输出(前提Autosize为真) (有空格形成一个整体后)
form_click()x=msgbox("当前操作有误",2+48+0+0,"提示")x=msgbox("请确认此数据是否正确",3+16+0,"数据检查对话框") if x=6 then ?x*xelse if x = 7then ? "请重新输入"end if
clickdim x as integerx=inputbox("请输入一个正确的数字","输入数据",100,500,500)
clickl1.move 100,100,4000,4000
click?"microsoft"text = "microsoft"? textheight(text),textwidth(text)fontsize = 18? text? textheight(text),textwidth(text)
print format(1234) '输出字符前没空格print str(1234) '字符前多一个空格? format(123.456,"###,####")? format(123.456,"000.0000")'整数位的参数长度缩短时将不起作用? format (1234567.123,"###.###")? format (0.257,"0.00%")? format (3485.52,"0.00e+00")? format (3485.52,"0.00e-00")
print tab(10): "abc";tab(15):"ABC"print "ABC"+space(5)+"abc"print "ABC";spc(5);"abc"
真:True 1(非0数)假:False 0 1*1=11*0=00*1=00*0=0 ? 1 and 1? 1 and 0? 0 and 1? 0 and 0a = 1 or 1? aa = 0 or 1? aa = 1 or 0? aa = 0 or 0? a? true xor true 假? false xor false 假? true xor false 真? true eqv true 真? false eqv false 真? true eqv false 假? true imp false 假? true imp true 真? false imp false 真? false imp true 真
? day(now)? weekday(now)? month(now)? year(now )? str(year(now))+"年"+str(month(now))+"月"+str(day(now))+"日"+"星期"+str(weekdy(now))? str(hour(now))+"点"+str(minute(now))+"分"+str(secend(now))+"秒"? rnd(1)
? str(10)+"a"? fix(123.999),cint(123.999),clng(12345654.999)dim x as doublex = 123.456789? x,ccur(x)
const 常量名=表达式