G GE,浊辅音,不吐气K KE,清辅音,吐气
J/GE/DGE 口型略小于JI,浊辅音,不吐气CH/TCH 口型略小于QI,清辅音,吐气
D 浊辅音不吐气,法式TT 清辅音,吐气
B 浊辅音,不吐气,法式PP 清辅音,吐气,不必弹舌XD
Y 短音IU/EW 长音I
W 嘴唇位置从WU到EV 上牙轻咬下唇
R 单词开头/中间R,结尾不发音,若后词有元音需要连读L 发音时有舌尖弹击感
L 单词开头L[南方人加油]口型接近微笑表情,中间接近OW,结尾接近OW-LR 英式需要区分R和L
H 轻声,不省略
NG 在单词中间接近法语IN,与元音连读带前不带后;结尾发音位置更靠后,尾音EN 在单词中间与元音连读带后不带前;发音位置更靠前,尾音NE
the following word "is" begins with a vowel so you can hear /r/
/l/ 在begining 嘴型宽 紧 在 ending 嘴型松
区分η,n,mm:make the sound by closing your lips, and letting the sound come from your nose.n: 舌尖抵上齿,气流从鼻出η:软腭下垂,堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻出
N 舌尖抵在上颚前端,自然下落,尾音neNg 嘴巴稍微张开,在口腔后部发声,尾音a
M 直接念出N 牙齿轻咬,舌尖快速弹动Ng 嘴唇微张
1. r - you don't need to pronounce the "r" at the end of the sentence.--This is my car. 2. My car is blue. car is /ka:riz /my car is /maika:riz/
mime rum
the sound "'th'at" comes between the tongue and top teeth
Make the 'l' sound with the front part of the tongue behind the teeth, while make the 'r' sound by making the lips come out and pulling the tongue back.