1.hillbily 土鳖2.inside story 幕后故事3.如果额头上中间刻上皱纹,你只能做到皱纹不要可在你心上。4.candor 坦诚
1.高考 national matriculation test 2.
1.agile mind 敏捷的思维2.squash 挥霍3.metabolism 新陈代谢4.procrastimate 拖延5.have each other's backs 支持彼此6.unrequited(无回报的) love 单相思7.pull an all=nightet 熬夜8.steal one's thunder 抢风头9.omnioent 无敌的,万能的10.melodramatic (喜剧式的,夸张的)感情过度夸张11.pessimistic 悲观的12.Nobody grows merely by a number of years;we grow old by deserting our ideals.13.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkle the soul.
1.consellation / star sign 星座2.astrology 占星术3.zodiac 黄道十二宫4.fortune teller 算命先生5.hardcore believer 死忠6.an easy way out 一个取巧的方法7.stereotype 固化形象8 sow an act ,reap an habitsow a habit, reap a charactersow a character, reap a destiny
1.mourn lament 悼念2.commendable 值得赞美的3.publicity stunt(虚头,阻碍) 作秀4.more haste,less speed 欲速则不达5.toll station 收费站6.push your luck 侥幸心理7.愿逝者安息,生者坚强May the soul of the deceased rest in peace,and the living be strong.
1.Avian Influenza 禽流感2.AKN=also known as3.fend of the flu4.Omnipotent 万能的5.Rumors stop at those that are witty6.be particular about food 挑食7.quick fix 快速治疗法8.personal hygiene 个人卫生9.use sanitizer 消毒用品10.muscular 肌肉发达的11.shallow 肤浅的
feel complicated 感到纠结Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节originated from Hanshi DayDay with cold food onlyMemorial day for 介子推Tang Emperor XuanzongHonor their ancestorsat grave sitessweep the tombsWillow branch 柳枝 pull a prank on sb 整个人over the line 过分了
best wake-up call 最好的题型crave for luxuries 迷恋奢侈品poser 炫富的让人vanity 虚荣心stage name 艺名from rag to rich 从贫穷到富有making trunks 做行李箱strive for perfection 精益求精more than meet the eyes 不仅仅是好看copy cat 山寨I don't do fashion,I am fashion.香奈儿I don't care about the prices of the clothes that I weat,I only care about how much they are going to be worth after I wear them. Big talk 痴人说梦
airpocalypse 空气末日Beijin coughfog 雾 haze 霾AQI(air quality index)空气质量指数PM2.5(可入肺颗粒物) PM10(可吸入颗粒物) SO2 NO2 O3 COAPI (air pollution index)空气污染指数SO2 NO2 PM10occupational disease 职业病云里雾里I am in a fog 忍一下 hanging in thereu scared the living daylights out all of us.Whatever dosen't kill u simply makes u stronger.Do not sugarcoat it 别粉饰hybrid car 混合动力车We are all in this togetherWe shall survive and thrive together同呼吸,共命运
repost 转发undirectlookable 不忍直视How much meat did u chop?你剁了多少斤肉Every road leads to Romeassimilation 同化dissimilation 异化conservation of mass 质量守恒metabolism 新陈代谢sodium 钠有氧运动 aerobic exercise 无氧运动 anaerobic exercisetreadmill 跑步机stairmaster 踏步机aerobics 健身机近朱者赤近墨者黑 He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howlYou are what u choose to be.
Spring Equinox 春分runnynose 流鼻涕second chance around 第二春spring fever 春困great rejuvenationanti-graft mechanism 反腐机制Practice frugality 勤俭节约
the box office 票房hilarious 搞笑epic 史诗classic 经典classical 古典big shot 大腕四大音乐剧:《悲惨世界》<The miserable>《猫》<Cat>《西贡小姐》<MissSaigon>《歌剧魅影》《the phantom of the opera》Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. _Berthold AuerbachIt was the best of times;It was the worst of times.-Charles Dickens
There is no shortcut to anywhere worth going -Peter
"Tow Sessions" 两会Annual Sessions of NPC(National People's Congress)全国人民代表大会CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议NPC Member 人大代表sky-high housing price 天价房价powdered milk 奶粉 空谈误国,实干兴国Empty talk will hamper the development of country,while solid work will revitalize the country.Don't just talk the talk.Walk the walk.女生要作CIA confident/independent/ambitious
复杂的感情 mixed feelingThe tune just gets stuck in ur head神曲,无法摆脱的旋律shocking/werid/bizarre 雷人His heart is in the right place 初衷是好的What u say is not always what u mean,nor is it what others perceive.reflection 反思splendid 富丽堂皇、shabby 简陋Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.-Aristotle爱就是两个身体一个灵魂 -亚里士多德soulmate 灵魂伴侣keep ur nose out of other's businessLaw knows no loveNo law is against love
New Year's countdown 新年倒计时What's your New Year's Resolution?新年目标 resolution 切实可行的目标But the will alone cannot triumph《overcoming procrastination 战胜拖拉》To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. J.W.Gardner对理智的人来说,每一天的时间都是要精打细算的。 加德纳 Only the paranoid suvive只有偏执狂才能生存 by 安迪、格鲁夫(英特尔公司董事长)
古装剧 Costume dramaA bite of China 舌尖上的中国Way to go 你真行年度十大词汇 Top ten buzz words财政悬崖 Fiscal cliff紧缩政策 Austerity measures 权力转移 交接 power shift十八大 18th CPC National Congress (Communist Party of China(CPC))Noble character and sterling integrityPM2.5 particular matter 2.5大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物Can I say foul words /Can I cursePK(player killing)卖萌 play cute庶民 the folks高富帅 an eligible bachelor who is tall,rich and handsome白富美 an eligible bachelorette who is white, rich and beautiful屌丝 Diors(who is financially unstable, ordinary looking)Counterattack 逆袭
Fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友A friend in need is a friend in deed.真的朋友在需要的时候能帮上忙unrequited love 不求回报的爱The mediocre teacher tells,The good teacher explains.The superior teacher demonstrates.The great teacher inspires. by William Arthur Wardenvy 羡慕be jealous of 嫉妒hate 恨laugh 嘲笑despise 鄙视mock 损A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have throwm at him.by David Brinkley树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在Now thee tree wants to stop shaking but the wind won't subside;now the son wants to starting caring but his parents have died.
ridicule 吐槽《Life of Pi》 少年派的奇幻漂流A feast for the eyes 视觉盛宴shipwreck 海难 planeweck 空难 古希腊哲学家几千年前探讨的三个问题:Who am I?Where am I from?where am I going?Bring the good out of you and get rid of the bad.As I give to the world,so the world give to me 一份跟云一分收获 "Just for today"走你 Off you go
1.I am loaded 我太有了.2.Overnight millionaire.3.Xinjiang nut cake 切糕。4.Take it offensiveas long as you know where to draw the line.5.sell by force 强卖deceice and rip off the customers 坑骗消费者condemn them strongly 强烈谴责6.make sweeping generalizationOne swallow(燕子) does not make a summer 以偏概全7.critical thinking 批判思想8.Public education and a free press were essential to a democratic nation. 国民教育与一个开放的媒体是一个民主国家的必要前提。