Don't rain on my parade别给我泼冷水it's lashing down暴雨it was a complete wash-out大失败coming down in buckets下大雨,下暴雨it's gonna be a wet one即将下雨
chillin' on a sunny day 在阳关明媚的日子里休闲娱乐a scorcher 大热天;scorch 烧焦take time to chill out and kick back 找点放松休息的时光,kick back 放松休息shoot the breeze and hang out 与朋友闲聊,度过美好时光blue skies as far as the eye can see辽阔无边的蓝天白云white fluffy clouds. postcard perfect 跟明信片一样美
a lasting impression 深刻的印象to pay a compliment 表扬某人I love what you've done with accessories 我喜欢你的配件(发型、戒指、项链)where would you say is good for a date?你能够推荐适合约会的地方吗?推荐英文报纸:The Sun: thesun.co.ukThe Guardian: guardian.co.ukU.S.A. Today: usatoday.com
Read a passage you are familiar with,and simpley read itrecord itthen leave it for a few daysListen back to what you have doneask:
My feet are not mine today. I'm feeling a bit under the weather.身体不适,不想多谈,不想多说,对方不要多问。
U worth it, baby!! He is looking sharp! Stay classy!
When you were here beforeCouldn't look you in the eyeYou're just like an angelYour skin makes me cryYou float like a featherIn a beautiful worldAnd I wish I was specialYou're so fuckin' specialBut I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.What the hell am I doing here?
to not pass muster不合格/也指人品不好to flunk a test考试不及格to botch a test考试不及格/指搞砸了a total wash-out大失败
It's a picnic weather 美好的天气It's a scorcher 炎热的天气no day to be stuck indoors绝不适合把自己缩在屋里to catch some rays日光浴
beat the hit 避暑under the weather 身体不适feel run down 没有精神,感觉疲惫not feeling the best 身体不适not feeling oneself 感觉不对头
you're looking sharp看上去很帅/漂亮this is so you 这绝对适合你穿的new threads指新衣服stay classy永远酷
he's a bit of a weirdo那个人挺怪的there's something not quite right about him他有点不对头的感觉i can't put my finger on it我说不出来但是绝对有问题
to get an earful 被统统地说了一顿in the dog house/to be in the dog-house 挨批评了you only to got yourself to blame 你只能怪自己finger-pointing 指责别人things have really hit the fan顿时遇到各种麻烦
my better half指自己的老婆/老公the ball and chain以前指妻管严my rock我最能依赖的人my hubbie老公my one and only我的唯一
on the level指说话靠谱,诚实的人Don't beat around the bush别拐弯抹角a Straight Shooter说话很直的人to have an agenda形容具有其他,不明确目的的人rest assured放心
don't make a fuss不必那么麻烦i don't want to put you out不想给你添加麻烦但是...this is too much(在接受别的人礼物时)您太客气了
wait until you hear this你听听这个八卦out of school(to talk)指背后说人坏话hvae you heard the latest?你有没有听到关于谁谁谁的什么消息?what's the story?有什么八卦?come on,make a move来吧,动动手
be a mate当个好哥们帮个忙im up to my next in trouble遇到了大麻烦a spot of bother小麻烦im a dead man我死定了
1.express ideas more clear2.delivery fantastic thinking3.mix their tenses see more thoughts out