

来自人的本质: 二元论与物理主义(0)

how am i built/ what is survivial(could i not have yet died after died)------Do we survive our death?the nature of personal identitiy Jay Rosenberg(杰 罗森伯格):不能永生Might i still exist afer bodily deathmataphysics The dualist view: a person is a combination of a body and something else.(mind/soul 与肉体分离 nonphysical substance)The monist view:physicalist view: a person is just a certain kind of material object that can do something 双向互动二元论,灵魂控制身体,身体会影响灵魂the soul is located(i don't know) myabe it is just an illusion caused by visual reasonsthe soul and the body is not a pait or if we destroy the body, the pair is destroyed.so i am the soul. the body is the house. you can destory the house but can't destory the human.柏拉图plato: 论证灵魂不朽the body 可能是任一一种实体 a physical object that can do amazing think. we are bodies called people. 


P-functioning body----human physicalist view: there is no extra thing, the mind, above and beyond the body.( the brain is not the mind.)Death is the end of this set of functioning.the physicalist viwe don't deny the mind(中立的soul).物理主义者不信灵魂,认为灵魂是非物质的,不能凌驾于物质的人体上。the dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the sould is something immaterial.证明五官无法察觉的事物(最佳解释推理/Inference to the best explanation):假设——解释已存在的现象——推断存在  xi假设细菌存在,细菌使人生病(微生物理论),所以细菌存在假设魔鬼存在,魔鬼使人生病,所以魔鬼存在(不是最佳解释,是可能性解释)假设灵魂(F feature)存在,灵魂使人堕入爱河(从超物理的方面解释爱为何产生),所以灵魂存在。诉诸于灵魂去解释我们的肉身的生命性力。双元论,灵魂发出身体活动指挥,物理论,认为是身体某个部分发出指令。用灵魂解释自由意志