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母音:a[ə] [əˈbɔrt][ɚ][ˈsɪstɚ]其他全是四声[i]  [I]     [ 


vi /etc/inittab     修改图形界面/命令行   adduser jason       增加用户jason passwd jason        设定jason用户的密码ls   查看目录   -S 按文件大小排列   -a 查看隐藏文件(以点开头的文件)cd  进入/退出目录pwd  显示当前目录cp test.txt  ../   拷贝test.txt文件到上级目录 cp test ../ -r     拷贝test目录到上级目录mv test.txt ../    剪切test.txt文件到上级目录file test.txt      查看test.txt文件的属性tar xvjf test.tar.bz2  解压test.tar.bz2文件 tar xvzf test.tar.gz   解压test.tar.gztar cvjf test.tar.bz2 test  压缩test文件夹到test.tar.bz2压缩包 tar cvzf test.tar.gz test   压缩test文件夹到test.tar.gz压缩包


Vi/VIM使用i/a 进入编辑模式q!wq!vim makefile :set /test_test 查找“test_test”字符串


what is robert's job?He's an engineer namenationalityjobkeyboardoperatorengineer I am a new studentMy name's Robert Are you French?yes, I am. What nationality are you?I'm Italian What's your nationality?Where are you from?What nationality is he? Are you a teacher?What's your job?What's his job? =====================What's your name?My name's Robert.Are you Robert? What nationality are you?I'm Italian.Are you Italian? What's your job?I'm an engineer.Are you an engineer? ===================policeman=>What's you job?I'm a policeman. policewoman=> taxi driver=> air hostess=> postman=>what's his job?he's a postman. nurse=> meehanic hairdresser house wife milkman  


Whose shirt is white?Tim's ========whoseperhapsbulewhitecatch========whose shirt is that?whose is that shirt?=>is my shirt Is this shirt Tim's?Perhaps it is,sirTim's shirt's white.=>Is this book stlla's?   Is that pen your father's? Here you are.=Here it is.  Whose is this/that ...?it's...This is my/your/his/her...=>Whose is this dress?It's Emma's.This is her dress. =================Whose is this .....?This is my/your/his/her....Whose is that .....?That is my/your/his/her....  handbag=>Stella'sWhose is this handbag?It's Stella's Car=>Paul's coat=>sophie's umbrella=>steven's pen=>my son's This is his pen. dress=>my daughter's That is her dress Suit=>my father'sIs this suit your brother's or you father'sIt's not my brother's. It's my father's. skirt=>my mother's blouse=>my sister'sIs this blouse your mother's?No,it isn't.Whose is it?It's my sister's. Tie=>my brother's  


What colour is anna's dress?It's grenn.====colour(color)greenupstairssmartsamelovely =====What colour's your new dress?It's green.What colour's your shirt.It's white. Come upstairs and see it.Come and help me.Come and clean the table. Look at the dress.That's a nice dress.It's very smart.=>She is a smart student.(聪明) That is a lovely hat!=============What colour's your....?It's ...What colour's you your new hat?It's green.================What colour's your....? umbrella  blackcar  blueshirt  whitecoat  greycase   browncarpet  redblouse yellowWhat colour is Anna's blouse?It's yellow.tie  orangehat   grey and blackdog   brown and white 


How is Emma?she's very well. todaywellfinethankssee==========How are you today?How are you doing?What's new?i'm very well,thank you.and you?i'm fine,thanks. Nice to see you.Nice seeing you.==============How are you today?I'm fine,thanks. How is tony?He's very well,thanks.  ===========fat=>Look at that man!Is he thin?No,he is'ntIs he fat? thin=> tall=> short=> dirty=>Look at that mechanic!Is that mechanic clean or dirty?He's not clean.He's dirty. clean=> hot=>Look at Steven!Is Steven hot or cold?He's not cool.He's hot. Cold=> old=>Look at that milkman!That milkman is old.He's very old. young=> busy=> lazy=>    


Is there a problem with the Customs officer?No,everting fine. =======customsofficergirlfriendDanishNorwegianpassporttourist==========Are you Swedish?No, we are not.We are Danish.Are your friends Danish,too?No, they aren'tThe are Norwegian. book booksticket ticketsfriend friendscar carsdog dogscase casesAre you ....?Are you French?Are you tourists? Are these your?What colour are your...?Are these your cases?Yes,they are.Waht colour are your cases?They're brown. Are you ...?RussianEnglishAmericanDutchyellow ticketsgreen passprotsorange tiesbrown and whtie dogsyellow blouses   


Excuse mepardonhandbagthank youvery much============Is this your...?Yes,it is.This is my..pardon= i beg your pardon =========Pen=>Is this your pen?Yes,it is.Pencil=>Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.BookIs this your bookYes,it is.watch=>Is this your watch?Yes,it is.Coat=>Is this your coat?Yes,it is.Dress=>多指连衣裙/套裙Is this your dress?Yes,it is.skirt=>多指短裙Is this your skirt?Yes,it is.shirt=>Is this your shirt?Yes,it is。car=>Is this your car?Yes,it is.house=>Is this your house?Yes,it is.


Does the man get his umbrella back?yes,he does.==================umbrelllanumberpleasesorryticketcloakroom==========Here's=here isThis is not my...isn't=is notNo,it isn't.Is this it?============= Pen=>Is this your pen?No,it isn't.pencil=>Is this your pencil?No,it isn't.bookIs this your book?No,it isn't.watchIs this your watch?No,it isn't.coatIs this your coat?No,it isn't.dress=>Is this you dress?No,it isn't my dress.It's your dress.skirtIs this your skirt?No, it isn't my skirt.It's your skirt.shirtIs this your shirt?No,it isn't my shirt.It's your shirt.carIs this your car?No, it isn't my car. It's your car.houseIs this your house?No, it isn't my house.It's your house.suitIs this your suit?No,it isn't.schoolIs this your school?No,it isn't.teacher=>Is this your teacher?No,he isn't.sonIs thisyour son?No,he isn't.daughterIs this your daugther?No,she isn't.


Is Chang-woo Chinese? No,he isn't.he's korean. Good Morning.NicemeetstudentFrenchGermanJapaneseKoreanChinese=====================Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.This is ... =>介绍某人的巨型He/She/It is a ...HThis is JasonJason is a teacherToyota is a japanse carHe is chineseNic to meet you.Glad to meet you.Pleased to meet you.This is Li Jiang.He is a new teacher.He's Chinese.  


u 撤销操作crtl+r反撤下命令行下:set sn 显示行号432,444y 复制432~444行432,444d 删除432~444行yy 复制dd 删除p 粘帖G 到最后一行gg 到首行 


vimtutor vim帮助命令Nw 移动光标到下N个单词Nyy 拷贝光标以下N行Ndd12,24y12,y 拷贝12行到光标,24y 拷贝光标到24行s/aa:bb/g 光标所在行出现aa的字符替换为bbs/<aa\>bb/g     


select ×from