


1)people united to form non-importation associations(抵制进口协会)merchants r centernon-importation politicized daily activities of women as well as men,spreading feelings of community-level patriotism with people joined in a joint political effort to defend their rights.2)unload the tea 

来自22-第二十一讲 从adult到apparent(0)

1adolescentadj.青春期的, 青春的;n.青少年【根】al=to nourish(滋养) 变化型 ol,uladult 2option——optadopt vt.采用, 收养 deartcher-词根爱char-词根爱charityn.  慈善; 慈善团体; 施舍cherishvt.珍爱, 怀抱(希望等)

来自10-第九讲 从accident到coincide(0)

 chance____cas   n.  机会, 可能性, 意外v.  偶然发生, 试试看; 冒险adj.  偶然的; 意想不到的; 碰巧的 casual  n.  临时工人; 便鞋; 便装adj.偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的,【根】cad=to fall(落下) 变化型 cid,cas casualty n.  严重事故, 受害者, 伤亡 accidentn.意外事件, 事故【根】cad=to fall(落下) 变化型 cid,casaccidentaladj.  偶然的; 非主要的; 意外的; 附属的 incident   n.  事件; 事变(有预谋的)adj.  附带的, 外来的, 易于发生的 incidental  n.  附带事件; 杂项; 偶然事件; 杂费adj.  附带的, 容易发生的, 偶然的 coincidentadj.一致的, 符合的, 巧合的【根】cad=to fall(落下) 变化型 cid,cas coincide v一致coincidence n巧合,同时

来自11-第十讲 从acclaim到accompany(0)

 1acclaimn.喝彩, 欢呼v.欢呼, 称赞【根】claim=to cry(大叫) 变化型 clam Shrek shriek 尖叫scream 尖叫claim-to cry exclaim  v.  呼喊; 大声叫嚷; 惊叫; 大声说出, 叫喊着说出 proclaim  vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露【根】claim=to cry(大叫) 变化型 clam【根】pro-=for,before,forth,forward 由“为了~”而产生“代替~”、“赞成~的”、“偏爱”等意思;或由“向~”演变为“向前”、“事先”、“公开地”、“因应~”等意思 变化型 pur-,pr- reclaimvt.开垦,要求归还, 收回。【根】claim=to cry(大叫) 变化型 clam【根】re-=again,back 变化型 red-,ren- clamor  n.  吵闹声, 喧嚣声; 持续的叫喊, 喧闹; 噪声; 吵吵闹闹的要求v.  喧嚷; 大声的要求 2accommodatevt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和;vi.适应【根】-ate 最常作动词字尾,其名词是-ation【根】mod=manner(方法)ac+commod+ate [Tn] provide lodging or room for (sb) 供给(某人)住宿或房间: This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 这旅馆可供达500位来宾住宿. [Tn.pr] ~ sth to sth change or adjust sth so that it fits or harmonizes with sth else 适应; 迁就; 迎合: I will accommodate my plans to yours. 我修改一下计划以便和你的计划相适应. (fml 文) (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) grant or supply (sth) to sb 准予或提供某人(某事物): The bank will accommodate you with a loan. 银行将贷给你一笔款. (b) [Tn] do (sb) a favour; oblige 帮(某人的)忙; 施恩惠於: I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible. 只要有可能, 我将尽力帮你. [Tn] (fml 文) cater for (sth/sb); take into consideration 顺应(某事物[某人]); 考虑到: accommodate the special needs of minority groups 照顾少数团体的特殊需要.accommodating adj (of a person) easy to deal with; willing to help; obliging (指人)随和的, 乐於助人的, 施恩惠的. commodity n.  日用品, 有用的物品, 商品 accommodation 3accompanyv.  陪同, 伴随; 随着...发生; 为...伴唱, 为...伴奏; 伴唱, 伴奏companyn.公司, 陪伴, (一)群, (一)队, (一)伙, 连, 连队【根】pan=bread(面包)companionn.  同伴, 伴侣; 看护妇; 朋友#成对的物件之一

来自12-第十一讲 从accomplish到petroleum(0)

 1accomplishvt.完成, 达到, 实现【根】plen,plete,ple,pli,ply=to fill(充满),full(满的)completeadj.全部的, 完全的, 完成的;vt.完成, 使完善complementn.补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角;vt.补助, 补足 supplement n.补遗, 补充, 附录, 增刊;v.补充supply n.  补给, 供应品, 供给v.  补给, 提供, 供给; 替代他人职务, 替代 completeomple————ample  adj.充足的, 丰富的【根】plen,plete,ple,pli,ply=to fill(充满),full(满的) amplify  v.  放大; 扩大; 增强; 扩展; 发挥, 详述amplifier  n.  扬声器; 放大器; 扩音器; 详述者 example n.例子, 实例, 例题, 范例, 榜样, 鉴戒, 实例【根】em=to take(取),to buy(买) 变化型 empt【根】ex-=out of,fully 变化型 a-,e-,ec-,ef-,es-,iss-,s- sample n.  样品, 标本v.  取样, 抽取...的样品, 采样 2coren.  核心, 争论的核心, 果心v.  挖...的核cord-词根:心cordialn.兴奋剂, 兴奋性饮料;adj.热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的【根】cord=heart(心)【根】-al 表示“有关~”、“有~性质”的意思 变化型 -ialaccordn.  调和, 一致, 符合; 条约; 协议; 自愿v.  调解, 使一致; 赠予; 给予; 授予; 调和, 一致, 符合 recordn.履历, 档案, 诉状, 最高纪录, 报告, 唱片;vt.记录, 标明, 将...录音;vi.录音, 被录音;adj.创纪录的【根】cord=heart(心)【根】re-=again,back 变化型 red-,ren- cord 绳索 nuclear adj.  核子的, 核的, 原子能的nucleus n.  核心, 原子核, 核子core__cre__clenut  n.  坚果, 镙钉帽, 核心v.  采坚果, 拾坚果 fruit n.  水果, 结果, 果类v.  结果实; 使结果实 fruitfuladj.  多实的, 肥沃的, 产量多的 petroln汽油petroleumn.石油【根】petr,petro=stone(石),rock(岩石)【根】-um 多用于元素的名称

来自13-第十二讲 从account到communicate(0)

1count v数、计算、算入,看作counter n柜台,结账处,计算器       a/ad 相对的,相反地        v 反对,反击encounter n/v遇到county n郡、县counterpart n对应的人或物account 账目 叙述、说明,v说明,解释accountant  n会计人员countercontra-前缀:相对contradictcontradictiondiction n措辞,发音法,发音,用语dictionary n字典coun————con————ckonrecon 计算,总计reckless adj 不计后果的,不注意的2accumulate vt堆积,积累,积聚                 vi累积,聚积com-前缀,共同communicate 交流common a普通的communication  交流communism  共产主义community  n.  社区, 共同社会; 社会, 公众; 共同体; 共有 communicate————commute v乘公交车上下班,乘车往返于两地       commonplace a普通的,平庸的,n寻常的事物,平庸的事物              discount 


1 部屋に机があります2 机の上に猫がいます3 売店は駅の外にあります4吉田さんは庭にいます 図書館はどこにありますか?図書館はどこですか? 林さんはどこですか?林さんはどこにありますか? 部屋に誰がいますか?誰もあります あそこに犬がいましねそですね八百屋   


1 absorb  v.  吸收; 使全神贯注; 汲取, 理解ab 如果单词是肯定含义,则表示引申义,如果单词是否定含义,则表示否定含义sorb 吸收soup——sorb 吸收,吸附 dissipate dis+sip+ate 2drag 拖曳dragen 龙trac+t- 词根:拉扯tractor: tract+or 拖拉机trigger:将a变成i,压缩元音和发音,表示更小的力量。n.  扳机, 打枪要拉起的扳机; 起动装置; 触发器; 扳柄; 计算机启动某程序的信号 (计算机用语)v.  引发, 触发, 引起清辅音+清辅音extract: ex+tract     vt 拔出、抽出,摘录 n拔出、抽取物,摘要ab+extract=abstract  v摘取、n摘要、adj抽象的substract    v(from) 减去、减少subway——sub 往下attract 吸引at- 加强语气attractivecontractn.合同, 契约, 婚约;v.使缩短, 感染, 订约【根】tract,treat=to draw(拉曳)contractionn.收缩, 缩写式, 紧缩【根】tract,treat=to draw(拉曳) distractv.转移【根】dis-=apart,away dis-是由分离引申为移去、剥夺、反对、否定,尤其加强语气的重要字首 变化型 de-,des-,di-,dif-,s-sip 


logic of resistancethe Intolerable Acts in 1774a response to the destruction of tea in Boston Harbor1 the Boston Port Act2 the Quartering Act(军队驻扎法)legalized the quartering of British troops3the Administration of Justice Act(诉讼法案)4the Massacusetts Government Actthe council(顾问委员) could not weto the governor's decisionsthese acts deprived the colonies of some pretty basic British constitutional rightsa military commander was sent to be the new governora standing army(常备军)the colonies didn't want to break away at this point, they just want to make some compromiseso a joint congress from all the colonies was sujested to be estabished to discuss their problemsthe First Continental Congressit wasn't a sort of dire radical bodyFour Keys1 it's actually kind of practical2 it forced people from very separate colonies_in a way(一定程度上),really aort of separate nation-states__to meet one another and stay with another for a long time3 to John Adams and some others,the fact that now this congress exsited seemed to be a training ground for American statesmen.4 it was that at least to some back in England the Continental Congress symbolized a move towards rebllionLock the social contract theoryspirit of Enlightment关于香港问题的思考:现在中央政府同特区政府的矛盾开始加深,双方对港人治港的问题存在着认识差异,一些大陆学者和香港学者相互指责,这对于问题实在无益,美利坚殖民地的历史事实正在提醒着我们:加强两岸之间的联系,统一我们双方对于政府权力的认识是非常重要的!  


(一)1 the war was actually no part of the revolution2the American war was over,but this is far from being the case with th american revolution3 mix up American revolution with American warthey r basically suggesting that the American reolution represented an enormous change of mindset as loyal british coloniststhe revolution is a beginning(二)HistoryGordon Woods Redicalism of the American RevolutionRobert Gross The Minutemen and Their WorldBenard bailyn Faces of RevolutionRay Rahohael A People's History of the American RevolutionliteratureThomas Paine Common SenseMagior Problems in the Era of the American Revolution(三)Five Tips for Studying the American Revolution1Avoid the dreaded Revoltionary War fact bubble2think about meaning of words3remember that founders were people4we're not just talking about founderspopular revolution5remember the contingency   

来自幸福是一种随机现象吗? (0)

1 how can we get beyond the comfortably numb(舒适地麻木)quiet deseration?do we focus on weakness?focus more on strength!2help us deal with negativehave a strong psychological immune system(心理免疫系统)how to identify the passion?3moral claim           




あ行 母音a i u e oあいうえおアイウエオ小口,干脆速记法:女的胖了一圈,啊!(囧)以元朝做工,哀有学术的才子,傲           


1概论四季色彩理论:就是把生活中的常用色按照基调的不同,进行冷暖划分和明度、纯度的划分,形成四大组非常和谐的色彩群,即春季型、夏季型、秋季型和冬季型。(春秋暖色系,夏冬冷色系)提出者:色彩第一夫人,Carole Jackson2春季型人:活泼、娇美、鲜嫩、适合新鲜明亮的颜色。色彩特征:qian'xiangyase 






1770(1)population increasing(2)booming trade(3)deep affectionbut an ongoing inferiority complexFACT:a. as a British colonist        b. far from civilized worlda constant thinking:how we r being looked upon?(4)middling societybut titles, status is IMP(5)libertymade personal sacrifise for Britain    


who r the loyalists1 Suffolk Resolves2 the Declaration and Resolves权利宣言的三法则(1)the law of nature(2) the principles of the English constitution(3) the charters of coloniesBut the most IMP is the sense of rights as English subjectsa petition to the King four kinds of Tories1)furious Tories(狂暴保守党)2)writing and talking Tories3)silent but busy Tories(偷发传单)4)peaceable and conscientious Tories  

来自 积极的环境能改变人 (0)

1 回顾课程:change is challenging2 one person can make difference   6 degrees of seperation theorytheme of the class today is baby3 Pay it forward(1)internal factors VS external factorsthese can't change our wellbeing(2)right expectations VS wrong expectationstransformation4 human nature can be changed,can be improvedthe perimission to be humana safe space with our close friends,but not wearingnot resignation but active acceptanceAffectBehaviorCognition 

