


advanced class 高级班   the beginner's class 初级班instructor  教练   aerobics  健身操nonstop  不间断的    lift weights 举重表达容易的说法:1、NO problem2、It's a snap.3.No sweat.4.It's going to be a piece of cake.表示疑问:You think so?-Yeah,without doubt。When is the next class?to complete some forms.It's only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class.I'm on my way over. 我这就过去。It's all set.  全都安排好了。    

来自special time 01(1)

学习英语的三个层次:English in text. English in thought. English in action.学习口语把它当作一个交际工具来学,而不要当作一门知识来学。 How to define a thing in simple plain English?  英美人定义事物时先说, The nature of the   thing,or the class it belongs to in the world.然后再补足其特征,功能等,与汉语相反。


Blood pressurecomplete physical  全身检查a good subjectadvertisingI‘m in perfect health.=The  health isin wonderful condition.Let’s get in our lines.让我们站好队。We're going to take it slow first.stretch up.We're going to go left first.Now,switch.Hold to the right.sunrises,stretch it out.Flat back ,bring it up.We're going to warm  down with a tango.表示健康的几种说法:I am in excellent health.I am in wonderful condition.You are in great condition. Don't you think····?询问意见Not even a little? 一点也不?what do you do for a living?what do you photograph?Did you like listening to them?Did you hear me?Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?Don't you love it.Don't you think it'd be a good subject?what  cn(can) I say? waddaya=what do youDidja=Did youDontcha=Don't you.

来自special time 02(0)

How to explain things in simple plain english.   把简单苍白的东西变得丰满立体。掌握一个词的同义词,近义词,反义词。     

来自special time 03(0)

汉英思维方式差异:汉语:focus on very general things.英语:focus on details.What's your point?I can't see your point.Oh,I see.汉语罗列事物时不太分重点,英美先确定重点再按顺序罗列。Details means everything.She is very beautiful,her eyes are bright. 描述的三个步骤:1.The lead(事件发生的必要背景,set out a problem,pose a challenge,give a suprise)2.The flowed of events(your logical structure)3.The end.(有意义简洁地总结)   



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Is this seat taken?  No,it's not taken.Do you like seat by the window?No,I like the aisle  seat better .Please ,you seat by the window.陌生人谈话:1.介绍自己。2.询问家乡。Didn‘t  you  just get on?Take your  time.I cann't wait to see them.It's too early to know for sure. 现在决定还太早。


   I went back for it but the ferry was gone.I went back for him but he was already gone. Thanks anyway. Thank  you for your help.Thans a lot.Thank you very much It was nice of youI appreciate it.  You're welcome.Glad that I could help.Don't mention it.I'm glad that I could help.My pleasure.anytimeIt was nothing.


Have a good stay.在美国,电话簿上不仅有电话号码,还有家庭住址You name the day.need a day offterrific欧美国家收到礼物时应该当面打开并赞美。Seeing this picturs of my college boyfriend brings back memories.The plane was delayed.you know airport.fabulous 极好的  family tree 家谱