


新娘美姿:1.找到重心,点。人物眉心处,在画面3/4线以上。2.线。头线、胸线、腿线。三线错开,任何两条都不在一条线上。 S型。每条线都不与画面边缘平行。3.面。头面、胸面、腿面。 


一般而言拍摄外景人像比较理想的时段是夏日的9点前,以及3点后,这个时侯的天气晴朗的条件下,属于漫射光,均匀柔和,而且有暖调的色彩,非常适合唯美人像的表达。 地平线在构图的时候故意倾斜,造成画面的倾斜动感,同时,没有回避前景中杂乱的枝条,从而使画面层次更加丰富。但一定要注意,前景的枝条一定不能分割模特脸部。




adoration and admiration wil overwhelm you.爱与赞美会充盈你身(字幕译本)It will recalibrate what's important in your life.      calibrate v.量.....口径,校准 技术用语3.  you'll have unsurpassed vitality and energy.你会拥有无与伦比的生命力和能量。4.  you'll eat countless gourmet meals.你将享用无尽的佳肴。gourmet food美味 adj&n 美食家 注意发音 [ˈguəmei]5. so the next time you are faced with something that's unexpected ,unwanted and uncertain,consider that it just may be a gift.  


sometimes we need to go to the other side of the world to realize the assumption we didn't know we had ,and realize the opposite may be well be true.whatever true thing you can say about india ,the opposite is also true.很有意思的演讲,很有启发意义。我们通常会依据自己的经验对于事物做出判断。这作为人们认识世界、理解世界的方式,无可厚非。然而,凡事依据自己的标准做价值判断就很容易陷入自我中心主义和狭隘的地区主义。生活中我们经常会听到人说“**的人脾气不好,****的人心眼儿多......”这种不只是简单地对同一地域、专业、类型的人进行贴标签,而且是用自己的价值标准衡量别人。   还记得以前小学的课文会有,“秋天来了,树叶黄了,一排大雁向南飞”的句子,我将课文背得滚瓜烂熟,这样的句子也经常在我的作文中出现。北方生长的我,理所当然地认为,秋天就是落叶的季节。当时的我,不知道祖国的南方,秋天很多树木并不落叶,反而在春天叶子飘落下来。秋天,不同的地方不同的风情,谁说必须都得是一样的?    这些小的差异,似乎并不影响生活,也无关利害关系,然而,它却是一种思维方式的体现。事事以我为主,何谈包容?尊重差异,多元共融,需要的是开放的视野和心态。那么,就记住这个微演讲里的那句话吧:sometimes we need to go to the other side of the world to realize the assumption we didn't know we had ,and realize the opposite may be well be true.




we're naive,we are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.我们很天真,很不知天高地厚。bright-eyed and bushy-tailed adj.形容人充满了兴趣和激情。they're best described as iconic,它们被视为经典之作so iconic,perhaps they're cliches.相当经典,或许有人觉得已经过时了。clichecliche  [ˈkli:ʃei]n.陈词滥调,陈腐的思想we're looking for images that shine an uncompromising light on crucial issues,我们找的是在关键问题上表达坚定立场的图片images have power to shed light of understanding on suspicion ,ignorance,and in particular ----I've givem a lot of talks on this让多疑和不知情的人们产生理解之情images often push us to question our core beliefs and our responsibilities to each other 照片经常让我们反思自己的核心信念以及人与人之间彼此的责任。it's not the photographer who makes the photo,it's you.创作的不是摄影师,而是诸位。we bring to each image our own values ,our own belief systems,and as a result of that,the image resonates with us.我们带着不同的价值观念与信念去看每一张图片,从而,图片与我们产生共鸣。 






through hot flashes and mid-life crises从热恋期到中年危机far-off day未来的某一天far-off  [ˈfɑ:rɔ:f]a.远方的,遥远的pinpoint  [ˈpinpɔint]vt.确定;精确地定位 n.针尖 a.十分精确的 


they work long hard hours' job they hate,to buy things they don't need,to impress people they don't like.my contention is work on friday in jeans and t-shirts isn't get to the nevigation.the second observation i'd like to shareto face the truth:that government and corporations aren't going to solve this issue for us.just not looking outside.as individuals,to take control and resposibility for the tack of life that we want to lead.If you don't design your life,someone else will design it for you .and you may not like their idea to follow it.it's particularly important,you never put your quality of life in the hands of commercial corporation.we have to be responsible for setting and enforcing the boundary we want our life.third obserbation is we have to be careful with time form that we choose upon which we judge our balance.好卡,看不下去了,就随手记下了这些只言片语,有些还不合语法规则。等看完视频在重新修改吧。


1.rumor has it that......人们都说怎么怎么样rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy.rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer.rumor has it that it's difficult to get along with that sound engineer.2.None of that matters.matter to you 对你很重要it doesn't matteryour opinon reallly matters to me .3.counterfeit 假的 counterfeit  watchesgenuine 东西,货品true love真爱,real friends 真正的友情4.Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts ,it's probably worth it.Tibet is definitely worth seeing.this car isn't worth the money you paid for it .is he worth it ?


看似依赖于纸质媒体的漫画目前正受到科技发展的挑战,但是漫画的力量远非逗笑而已,它不抗衡科技,而是与科技一道推动社会进步,化解隔阂与仇恨。the world has gotten smaller it is beacause of techonology.I know the world is flat now.Internet has reached every corners of the world.The internet has enpowered us.The internet has changed the world.It has rocked the music industry ,it has changed the way we consume music.We used to go the store to steal it.And it has changed your future employer the way to look your occupation.So be careful with your facebook account.and techonology has set it free.Wifi ,it does liberate us from these office desks.In short,the techonology,the internet,they have changed our life style.and techology has even change our relationship to god.Cartoon can be used as weapons.History tells us they had  been used by Nazi to offend Jews.And here we are now,in the united nations half of the world is pushing to punish the offend to religions.Well,the other part of the world is fighting back for defense the freedom of speech.So the clash of civiliazation is here ,cartoons are in the middle of it.These got me thinkingThere can be issues of their coutry in cartoons,show the positive power of cartoon.It is a great means of communication.Cartoons can cross borders.Humor is a good way to address severe issues.Preaching for freedom of speech is easy here,but as you have seen,in context of reppression and division,what can a cartoonist do?He has to keep his job.Well, I believe in any context,any world ,you always have the choice at least not to do a cartoon that could feed the hatred,and that's the message I tried convey to them.I think we all always have the choice in the end not to do the bad thing.But we need to support these criticial and responsible voices in Africa ,in lebanon,in your local newspaper,on the apple store. For dictators all over the world the good news is when cartoonist,journalists and activitists shut up.




who do we like for this?who do you like for the soccer game tomorrow night,brazil or germany?oh,gee表示惊讶 oh gosh!      oh,no发牢骚      oh,oops表歉意go ahead请便 


vicious circle 恶性循环      virtuous circle良性循环ok,let me take a poll.让我们举手表决。if your're not fully utilizing half the talent in the country ,you're not get too close to the top ten.                                  -----Bill Gatesdisposable adj. 一次性的,用完即扔的Dystocia mortality 难产死亡率maternal mortality孕产妇死亡率it may well be that the highest return on the investment in the development world is in girls' education .----Larry Summersindividuals can make difference.because individuals together we can all help creat a movement. it's what we need that brings about social changes.changes that could address this moral challenge.once you have all your material needs,there are very few things in your life that can elevate your level of happiness.one of those things is contributing things to cause larger than yourself.and she realized that it's a great fortune to be born in a country where we take security for granted,we were not only can feed cloth and house ourselves,but also provide for wild birds so they don't get hungry in the winter.and she realized that with that great fortune ,comes great responsibility.and so like her ,you ,me ,we all won that lottery of live,and so the question become how do we discharge that responsibility.


汽车事故很多车祸,伤亡不是应为猛烈撞击而是汽车起火。burning vehicle如果看到烟或者火花,尽快逃离汽车(如果不能马上出去,先熄火,将空调出风口关闭,因为有毒气体会从这里进入车厢。)挡风玻璃为钢化玻璃是最牢固的玻璃。可以尝试侧方玻璃。但在撞击玻璃前做好自身保护,戴上眼镜,裹住脚,然后清除玻璃框上的碎玻璃。用湿毛巾之类堵住口鼻,避免浓烟吸入肺部如果安全带卡住,试图利用水杯之类利器打碎倒车镜,用碎玻璃切断安全带。逃出后,退到起火车辆的75英尺(约22.86米)外,以躲避爆炸时飞出的碎片和强烈气浪。exit as fast as you canbreak side windowsavoid sharop edges and broken glassprotect airway from smokebreak a mirror to use as a knifemove at least 75 feet away如果手指真的被工业强力胶粘住,最好的分开手指的办法就是用含丙酮的洗甲水,到一些到手上,抖动使其相互接触,然后就分开了。撞船1.wear a personal floatation device如果在水中,永远记住用救生衣或其他漂浮物.2.use buoyant objects to float体温过低或溺水会很快出现,必须快速行动,其他物品如冰桶可以用作临时漂浮物2.resuscitate with two quick breaths如果伤者吃水过多无法呼吸,将其头后仰,捏住鼻子、搬开嘴深吸两口,如果没用再试一遍。3.place victim in recovery position康复体味可以使伤者呼吸道顺畅,有助于吐出吃进去的水4.use a point of reference如果要搜索水中伤员,要有一个参照物,以确定不要迷失方向 




you just can't get over my decorator.你无法忘记什么,无法从....中走出来let's not dwell on my youthful offences (stop thinking about 纠结于...)eg:We shouldn't dwell on someone's past.get down 蹲下,趴下 Freeze 不许动 Duck把头低下What the hell is going on ?have the right to 有权做某事