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Free will come from the brain, self consciousness, unnecessary.

Free will is belief of human that free will is illusion because the mind, the reasoning comes from the brain. Used of brain is unnecessary. Remember, Adam was living in Heaven without witness, that comes from the brain, the reasoning.

We know we have the free will from our experiences but we can only guess with self-consciousness.

From Quantum mechics, everything only with %, some may, some may not.

Determinism is not true at the level of fundamental physics.

That we can only say the purely physical objects can have the free will with %.

From the unconsciousness, the free will and self-consciousness disappear.

Even if determinism were true of us, that wouldn't rule our having free will with self-consciousness.

Compatibilism, we can both follow determinism and have free will.


The mystery conditions when near-death experiences.

Next life?

Maybe life's a bioligical process. Then we are noting different than other objects build up with atoms.

First, why don't the babies have the self-consciousness, and they can develop in later life, 9 months, 12 months.

Second, we can prove or deny the animals are totally same as us, Freud says, only human developed the ego and superego. But it's been mistaken, how can animals have sex and feed without knowing the ego?

Third, if the organism have the ego, why don't they develop modern society, like technology, and the unconsciousness with shape. The collective unconsciousness don't work on them or the they didn't come from the genetic development?

The development of unconsciousness has the shape on human that other organisms don't have, we developed our society by the unsconsciousness. What is unsconsciousness? Soul?

Now we only know self-consciouness come from the brain, reasoning, thinking. That's unnecessary.

The advanced brain gives us the self-consciousness that's the reasons why we have the free will. That caused the human become only animals who have the pyscology issues. If we are only following the instinct to do everything in our life without thinking and using the brain to choose which way is better. Then we don't have (need) free will anymore.

Everything with waves.



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